Pinyin: Tang1 Bao1
The original Tang Bao so far as only been certifiably found near Nan Shi Da (Nanjing Normal University). This is because the Tang Bao man (and his wife) are loved by VIA vols when they attend intensive survival Mandarin classes for 3 weeks before being scattered throughout China. Additionally his chili pepper, soy sauce, and vinegar all combine to accentuate the hot soup that secretly awaits your slurping mouth.
CAUTION #1: Nibble a hole first and then sip the wonderful flavors slowly. Sissies like to use spoons to support this delicate procedure. Do not consume in one biting or else you will burn off 90% of your taste buds. If you still want to eat the dumpling in one bite, don't get mad at us b/c we've already told you so.
CAUTION #2: Looking for this delicacy in other parts of China is a tiring task. Be prepared to be disappointed and think of the Tang Bao man in Nanjing as your first love.
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